

A word for a squash rattle in Abenaki is wasawaisisiwan and I don’t yet know a word for a horn rattle. These are simple dried hollow vessels containing a few seeds, pits or pebbles as noisemakers. They were and still are used in ceremonies. Rawhide, turtle shell, horn, wood, bark, gourd and other materials can be used. Several contemporary Wabanaki artists craft beautiful painted incised or burned rattles. At my age I don’t think I could learn the necessary skills to encroach on their territory. I often carve a bird head on the handle and add feathers, paint or beads. My rattles are intended to be utilitarian and similar to those used in earlier times.

 Patrick “Blackhand” Lamphere, Alnôbaiwi, VAAA, Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, #65954


Planting Trees


Planting Fiddleheads