Mallets and Bashers


These  striking tools were carved from various pieces of hardwood. The mallets on left and right are apple, the others are poplar, ash and maple.  They are easy to make and have many uses. Beech and maple are common for modern mallets. I made a nice apple wood basher for my friend to use for pounding his tent stakes. I often use a mallet when carving bowls. That one piece mallet has served me well. Many different well worn examples of old striking tools can still be found in barn and antique sales. I have seen very few wooden hammers but many war clubs, pestles and corn pounders that are likely Native American in origin.

Patrick “Blackhand”Lamphere, VAAA, Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, #65954


Working with Missisquoi


Three Butternut Bowls