Green Corn Ceremony 2022

We couldn’t have asked for a better day for our Green Corn Ceremony and event on Sunday, August 21. It was 80 degrees and there was a wonderful light breeze across our ceremonial grounds. The event started at 10:00 and continued until 3:00. It was wonderful to get together with friends, drum, sing and eat traditional food cooked over our firepit.

We were fortunate to watch our dancers perform the Four Directions and Green Corn dance. For the first time we were also had a group of folks take on the Mosquito Dance. They were very tired by the last verse of the song! The last dance of the day was the Eagle Dance with several kids of all ages filling the role of eaglets.

There was also an opportunity for young people to listen to Abenaki stories and adults to browse the handcrafts on display by our artists.

It was an amazing day that reaffirmed the true benefits of gathering together with friends and family in a safe, supportive environment.




Ground Stone knife